info mengenai obat-obatan di apotik serta penyakit dan kesehatan

Thursday 24 December 2015

Obat antibiotik COLISTINE 1.500.000 IU

 Obat antibiotik COLISTINE 1.500.000 IU

Antibiotika adalah jenis obat-obatan yang yang sering digunakan untuk pengobatan infeksi yang disebabkan oleh bakteri. Antibiotik segolongan moleku, baik alami maupun sintetik, yang mempunyai efek menekan atau menghentikan suatu proses biokimia di dalam organisme, khususnya dalam proses infeksi oleh bakteri. Penggunaan antibiotika khususnya berkaitan dengan pengobatan penyakit infeksi. Adapun manfaat dari antibiotik adalah sebagai berikut :
1. Mengobati infeksi kulit karena bakteri dan jamur
2. Mengobati infeksi saluran kemih
3. Mengobati meningitis (radang selaput otak)
5. Pengobatan jerawat
4. Pengobatan septicaemia (keracunan darah)
7. Mengobati pneumonia karena bakteri
6. Mengobati infeksi lambung

Salah satu antibiotik yang sering digunakan dalam pengobatan adalah COLISTINE 1.500.000 IU sebelumnya kita bahas mengenai antibiotik dari COLSANCETINE® 250 CAP CAP. Berikut ini penjelasan dari obat antibiotik  COLISTINE 1.500.000 IU

Obat antibiotik COLISTINE 1.500.000 IU
Each Colistine Actavis 250,000 I.U.Tablet contains: Colistine sulphate 250,0001.U. -Each Colistine Actavis 1,500,0001.U. Tablet contains: Colistine sulphate 1,500,0001.U.

Colistine is produced from a strain of the Bacillus polymyxa species. It acts specifically on Gram negative bacteria and has a rapid bactericidal effect on both resting and growing cells. The risk of resistance developed during treatment is minimum. Escherichia coli, Shigella, Salmonella, Pseudomonas, Aerobacter, Klebsiella, and H. Influenzae are amongst the strains most sensitive to Colistine. Most strains of Proteus, Neisseria, and Serratia are resistant. Colistine is not absorbed in the intestinal tract.

For treatment of diarrhoea caused by Gram negative bacteria which is sensitive to drug, e.g. Ecoli.

Contra Indications
Patient known with hypersensitivity to Colistine.

In large doses more than recommended nephrotoxicity could happen, or in azotemia state. In long term treatment could suppress intestinal floras and cause overgrowth of other organisms. Cross-resistance with polymyxin B could occur. If no satisfactory response is observed within 24 hours of treatment, other measures should be
considered. Beside the active treatment of diarrhoea, it is important to maintain an adequate fluid intake.

Must be avoided if given along with other nephrotoxic drugs (such as aminoglycoside), could enhance nephrotoxicity.

Adult: 1 - 2 tablet 1.5 MIU 3 x daily Children 0 -15 kg body weight: 1 - 2 tablet 0.25 MIU 3 x daily. 15 - 30 kg : 3 - 6 tablet 0.25 MIU 3 x daily or Vi -1 tablet 1.5 MIU 3 x daily. It is recommended to dissolve the tablet in water, sugar water, milk or bouillon.

Colistine Actavis 250,000 I.U.Tablet is available in bottle containing 100 tablets (Reg. No.: DKL7205508410A1) Colistine Actavis 1,500,000 I.U.Tablet is available in bottle containing 50 tablets (Reg. No.: DKL7205508410B1)

Store in a cool (15°C-25°C), dry place and away from light.
This leaflet was last revised in May 2006


Manufactured by
PT Actavis Indonesia, Jakarta
(Group of Actavis, Iceland)

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Related : Obat antibiotik COLISTINE 1.500.000 IU

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